Library Committee

▶️Library committee has been functioning since 2014. The Library committee members meet three times in the year to frame various policies about the library, purchases of books, journals and others matters.

▶️The chairman of the committee is the Principal of the College and the librarian as the Secretary and faculty members in the committee.

▶️Briefly, the committee makes an effort to resolve the problems in the library.

Members of Library Committee
1. Principal Dr. G.G. Chougale                      Chairman
2. Shri. R. M. Meshram                                Secretary
3. Dr. S.T. Magdum                                     Member
4. Dr. V.M. Lagade                                      Member
5. Shri. P.S. Pawar                                     Member
6. Dr. R. B. Patil                                         Member
7. Dr. Amar Patil                                        Member
8. Dr. S. V. Madhale                                   Member
9. Dr. S. Khorate                                       Member