Library Actives

Activities to Inculcate Reading Habits
🔻User Orientation Programs.
🔻 Regular Book Exhibitions.
🔻 Book Talks / Book Reviews.
🔻Announcement of `Best Library User Award’.
Best Practices of the Library
🔻 Open Access System for students & Staff.
🔻 Information Literacy to new students.
🔻 Career & Employment Information.
🔻 Suggestion Box and timely Response.
🔻 Displaying new arrivals list. (New Books & Periodicals) 
Future Plan of Library
🔻 Computerization of the Library
🔻 Create Book Catalogue on OPAC System.
🔻 To purchase N-LIST Journal (E-Resources).
🔻 To organize National level Conference & Seminar.
🔻 Book Bank’s Scheme to all students